SHINING PHOENIX - Rise from the Ashes - Mx3.ch

Rise from the Ashes

83 plays
4 tracks

More information

Added on 5 September 2023


Rise from the Ashes is the first single by Swiss artist Laura Vischer resident in Zurich, born and raised in Graubünden and citizen of Basel Stadt.

The song and also the video are about a profound transformation process. The singer, who has been suffering from primary progressive multiple sclerosis since 2016, knows the days when you feel helpless, impotent and completely powerless and can no longer see a way out. But this seemingly hopeless situation can also be the initial spark for a profound change.
Don't give up and keep fighting and rise like the phoenix from the ashes.
This song should give strength, confidence and courage to all people in challenging situations.

Inside Us
Year of creation
Independet Artist
Tai Campbell
shiningphoenix, phoenix, rockmusic, rock

Credits and thanks

Thanks to everyone involved!

Artist: Shining Phoenix (Laura Vischer)
Producer: Shining Phoenix (Laura Vischer) & Tai Campbell
Director: Tai Campbell
DOP: Tom Watts
VFX-Artist (created the animated phoenix): Minh Nguyen-Ba

83 plays