SHINING PHOENIX - Freak Like Me - Mx3.ch

Freak Like Me

85 plays
4 tracks

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Added on 5 September 2023


Freak Like Me is the second single by Swiss artist Laura Vischer, who lives in Zurich, was born and raised in Graubünden and is a citizen of Basel Stadt.

The song and also the video for it represent the feeling JOY on the album INSIDE US, which includes one song each for the eight basic feelings and the transformation song Rise from the Ashes.
Joy (or happiness) is the most beautiful and positive feeling that we humans know. We would love to dwell in this feeling 24/7, but then we would probably hardly appreciate it anymore. Like all feelings, joy is not permanent.
But are the feelings really only purely positive or negative? Is it possible to overdo it with joy?
With these and similar questions concerning our emotional world, the artist Shining Phoenix has dealt with for this extraordinary album.
In the music video we see five of the seven deadly sins, these are Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Envy and Greed, frivolously acting out in a party environment. Of course it gives us pleasure when we eat and drink well, have sex, look good, have wealth, etc. but at some point the pleasure tips over and it becomes an addiction and in the Christian faith a mortal sin.
This song should quickly provide positive feelings and animate to dance and sing along.

Inside Us
Year of creation
Independet Artist
Tai Campbell
freaklikeme, shiningphoenix, funk, discopop, discomusic

Credits and thanks

Thanks to everyone involved!

Artist: Shining Phoenix (Laura Vischer)
Producer: Laura Vischer & Tai Campbell
Director: Tai Campbell
DOP: Tom Watts

85 plays