Kings Mood – Empire – (Official Music Video, Alternative Rock)

224 Plays —
, 2023
Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 18 August 2023
- Beschreibung
Can heroes ride on ants? The band «Kings Mood» saves an Empire facing danger and destruction. A catchy, profound mind-blowing music video produced by Elbow GmbH / graphics-3D-interactivedesign (https://www.elbow.be) based in Switzerland. An excellent matching mix of real footage, illustration, 2D graphics and 3D animation. Get carried away by the bands music. Let your mind be inspired riding with them saving the world.
- Erstellungsjahr 2023
- Regie (Video) Elbow GmbH / Rihs
- Tags kings mood, alternative rock, empire, elbow gmbh, elbow, kingsmood, alternative
- 224 Plays
- 11 Plays gestern
Credits & Dank
Peace and love to all who listen and support our music!

Alternative Rock
13 tracks
Der stimmungsvolle und mitreissende Sound der Band Kings Mood ist interessanter Alternative Rock weitab vom Mainstream. Die vier Berner Herzblutmusiker mischen ihre Einflüsse aus Rock, Funk, Pop &...
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