About this Track
- Added on 1 November 2023
- Album Radix
- Year of creation 2023
- Label muve recordings
- Director Florian Moritz & Roman Linder
- Tags indiepop, synthpop, weareavamusic, weareavaband, live, october session, live session, live version, stagelight, led wall, video wall, led content, led, gym hall, juno, just wanna be happy, wanna be happy, happy, newcomer, musikvertrieb, bnji, bonboi, benjamin schmid, dan suter, roman linder, florian moritz, lars christen, andy schwendener, kim lemmenmeier, nicola holenstein, synth, pop, electropop, musicclip, musicvideo, sanktgallen, ostschweiz, switzerland, swiss, avaband, avamusic, we are ava
- 21 plays
"Happy (October Session)" written and composed by WE ARE AVA & Lars Christen
produced by bonboi
session arrangement by WE ARE AVA
mixed by BNJI
mastered by Dan Suter
Video: Florian Moritz (https://www.moritzme.ch) & Roman Linder (https://2vision.ch)
Video wall equipment & operation: Stagelight AG Showtechnik (http://stagelight.ch)
Video wall content: WE ARE AVA
Outfits: Wrangler & Lee by BrandsLoft (https://brandsloft.ch)
A special thank you goes to the whole team behind this song and video, in particular to the film crew Flo & Roman, the whole team from Stagelight for the huge support, as well as BrandsLoft, our location hosts from Athletik Zentrum St. Gallen, and Yannik, Daniela & Benji.

With multifaceted soundscapes, blunt lyrics and the velvety-soft voice of singer Kim, WE ARE AVA processes their existence with all its ups, downs and insecurities into intoxicating, dream-dancing...