Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 7 Dezember 2023
- Beschreibung
Underground - ZOEY
Official Music Video
- Erstellungsjahr 2023
- Regie (Video) Peter Arnold, Cineflight, Musik Hug
- Tags zoey
- 1369 Plays
Listen to “Underground”: (https://lnk.site/zoeyunderground)
Thank You so much:
Artist - ZOEY (https://www.zoeymusic.com)
Audio Production - Miro Wolf (https://www.mirowolf.ch)
Producer - Musik Hug (https://www.musikhug.ch)
Film Production - CINEFLIGHT (https://www.cineflight.ch)
Label - PRESTARMUSIC (https://www.prestarmusic.com)
Dancers - Li-Danceunit (https://lidanceunit.ch)
Grand Piano - Bechstein D-282 (https://www.bechstein.com)
Location - Attisholz Areal ( https://attisholz-areal.ch)
Website: (https://www.zoeymusic.com)
Email: zoey@zoeymusic.com
Never felt like a believer
Prefer to see things because it’s realer
Sometimes, it’s just our mind
Who lets us shine in the dark
Everything seems so easy
But the problems are kept deep inside
Kind of a soul save, but not a safe space
It’s all about the underground
And all we want is diving out
Never get caught by the corners of the rock
Stones that we throw into ourselves
Most of them before of twelve
And now i’ts burden mental health
Always put myself in troubles
There is no chance to build a bubble
Which keeps me safe
Pretend to create something like a home
Home like the soulmates
Home like these ones with the same genes
Even they can’t help, dealing with myself
It’s all about the underground
And all we want is diving out
Never get caught by the corners of the rock
Stones that we throw into ourselves
Most of them before of twelve
And now i’ts burden mental health
Overthinking all the things and how they went
Even if they talk about an happy end
My own mind just struggle with the past events
Tried to forget but memories stay down there
„Get out“ — the delay I hear
But there’s no other person who could told so clear
All I gotta do is leave away from here
But pressure push me down
I can’t leave the underground
The Underground
Never thought I can believe in
But it’s way better than dream about the dark
Listen to your heart —it leads you out
Of the underground
Music video by ZOEY performing Underground. © 2023 PRESTARMUSIC

ZOEY ist eine aufstrebende Musikerin aus Solothurn, deren musikalisches Talent schon früh im Hallenstadion, in der Mühle Hunziken und am Openair Etziken Anerkennung fand. Mit 17 Jahren brach sie...