Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 1 März 2024
- Beschreibung
Bright Light District is a tune I composed and arranged in 2020. It was created when I had a video call with a friend in LA. In the background I saw an old happy street musician with a beard and long hair jamming on his Fender Rhodes in the sunset. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear the sound. After the call, I sat down at my keyboard and translated my visual impressions into music. The result is a happy retro tune with a lot of chill and a long piano improvisation, which is also very suitable for the late hours on the dancefloor. This is also thanks to Luk Walther (ttmc.ch) at Audiolager Bern, who mixed and mastered the track.
- Erstellungsjahr 2024
- Label mother releases
- Regie (Video) Matthias Dellsperger
- Tags sunset house, deephouse, lounge, housemusic
- 21 Plays
Hey brother, I really liked that Deep House vibe from the 80s/90s era, like in Paradise Garage hahaha ❤️ And those piano sounds that I suddenly heard, what a beautiful melodies! You reminded me a lot of Mr Fingers or Larry Heard hehe. Congrats bro and I hope you have so much success with your tracks! Happy New Year 🙌🏼
Jasiel Reynoso
Hey, great track, I’ll be happy to make a shout out in our Sunset Del Mar playlist.
RESONANCE (Club Music Trendsetter)
I like the production, it's simple and clean, the textures and the effects and fresh. I enjoyed listening and I wish you great success with your releases!
Dance FM Romania
The song has some fun parts and I enjoyed the lead synth sounds here.
Routine Espresso
I tuned into your tracks, it's quite chilled and the production quality is great.

Plektron mit Realname Matthias Ben Dellsperger ist Elektronikproduzent, Gitarrist und Singer-Songwriter. Der aus der Stadt Bern stammende Musiker veröffentlichte seit Beginn seiner Laufbahn zwei...