mamari - Month of May, official video - Mx3.ch

Month of May, official video

17 plays
7 tracks

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Added on 31 May 2024

Year of creation
Dominic Curseri & Mina Tomic

Credits and thanks

A story about falling in love with life.

Video by
Dominic Curseri & Mina Tomic

Special Thanks go out to
Isa & Reto www.meyermueller.ch
kasper-florio for their stunning logo
Ladina Bischof for her beautiful photos
Sandra Gimmel for her classy make-up
Kulturförderung Stadt & Kanton St.Gallen
& last but not least: YOU, YOU & YOU!

Recording & Mixing by mamari.

"In all our souls - in all our houses
beyond the facades lie our broken days.
Through all the arcades left with fallen flowers
the tallest towers keep their heads down - aching to fade.

We are here to stay. You & me in the Month of May.
You’re a breath away it’s you & me in the Month of May.

Our home is old - it’s lost its color
the floors they shudder with every step.
I caught your heartbeat it woke us up at the dawning.
Mother Riley won’t haunt me - she’ll carry me away.

We are here to stay – you & me in the Month of May.
You’re a breath away it’s you & me in the Month of May.

It’s where I go when I feel colder.
While my body grows older my mind lies awake.
Where the moment stays on hold - the weather gets sour
I hold on to my hours- my head’s down chasing the good in the bad.

Chasing the good in the bad again."

XXX mamari / Natasha Waters, Davide Rizzitelli & Atilla Schweizer

17 plays