On air
Tu sais quoi
24 plays — Pop , 2024
cover image

It was my mother who passed on to me the passion for music. From a very young age, I started singing, dancing and acting.
My career path is atypical. I have changed my life 3 times. I was a model...

  • Year of creation 2024
  • Label iMD-Sonia Mazza / 2024 Sonia Mazza
Credits and thanks

Compositeur: Emanuele Guarano
Texte version italienne: Federica Sotgia
Texte version française: Sonia Mazza

Stefano Rana
Dimitri Cochard
Abraham Billy Goqui
Mix: Max Torche
Studio: Relief Studio
Mastering: Elliot James Mulhern
Vocal trainer: Alex Parravano

Guitariste: Stefano Rana
Batteur: Abraham Billy Goqui (dit : Papi )
Bassiste: Dimitri Cochard

Réalisatrice: Alexandra Rider
Montage vidéo: Alexandra Rider
Assistante: Coco Petten
Production: Agence Madame
