Il Silenzio – n'existe pas

66 plays —
, 2017
About this Track
- Added on 11 December 2018
- Description
Fieldsession Nr. 21: Cégiu - B-Sides Festival 2017
A song about a little girl longing for silence realizing that she'll never be able to experience real silence, since she'll always hear her body's sounds. It's about that moment, when she realizes that fact and goes from anger to mourning to peace.
- Year of creation 2017
- Label musicbox entertainment
- Director Neveli Avgeris, Nicole Wanderon
- 66 plays
Credits and thanks
B-Sides-Festival, Nicole Wanderon and Neveli Avgeris

Chamber Pop, Alternat...
29 tracks
Cégiu ist Musikerin, Komponistin und Produzentin. Mit zahlreichen Besetzungen hat Cégiu Musik veröffentlicht und tritt in Formationen wie «Music(k) for A While» (mit Caroline Vitale) und «Cégiu &...
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