About the Track
- Added on 28 April 2019
- Album A Journey To You
- Year of creation 2019
- Label Jakarta Records
- 318 plays
Those following beat culture in the last years might have heard about Swiss producer @melodiesinfonie already. From his tracks on the early Soulection compilations, releases on Melting Pot Music and Sichtexot to countless live sets in Europe and even South Africa. We are very happy to now announce his first release on Jakarta Records. In comparison to previous output the most apparent difference is the extend to which Melodiesinfone incorporated live elements to his productions, achieving a more eclectic and organic sound. Get a first taste with the upcoming single „Longo Do Rio“ before the full length album „A Journey To You“ will drop 26th of April.
released April 26, 2019
All Tracks Written / Produced by Kevin Gabriel Wettstein
Mixing by Roland Vollenweider & Kevin Gabriel Wettstein
Mastering by Mark Pfurtscheller
Artwork / Photography by Dylan Moore

Unter dem Pseudonym Melodiesinfonie veröffentlicht der Schweizer Musiker Kevin Wettstein bereits
seit acht Jahren kontinuierlich Musik - neben zahlreichen EPs auch zwei Soloalben – und tritt...