About this Track
- Added on 15 June 2019
- Description
Ka$pa is a diverse artist born and raised in New York City. After living 2 Years in Switzerland he is releasing his first single "Stop Hidin". A masterpiece expressing his upbringing, fun attitude and ability to motivate with his creativity. Music Video for "Stop Hidin" to be released in June 2019. DON'T MISS IT!!!
- Year of creation 2019
- Director Ka$pa
- 146 plays
“Stop Hidin“ Video out NOW Full Version on YouTube; https://youtu.be/Oc2fZNEqcMY .👏🙏
A big thank you & much Love to everyone that participated in the creation of this Masterpiece:
@check.mate.bang , @azuma.otw, @trips_destella, @wayofjakub, @bluelee_skyhasnolimit, @peterjpena, @geeznote, @artsofview
On all Streaming Platforms available;
#video #musicvideo #masterpiece #art #rap #sing #stophidin #release #visionar #performer #songwriter #artist #film #97.1 #105.1 #hotwings #energyzurich #radiosunshine #srf3 #openairfestival #openairfrauenfeld
@971ampradio @power1051 @energy_ch @radio.sunshine @srf3 @radioargovia @radiopilatus @radio105 @worldstar @rap @openairfrauenfeldofficial @hotwingscomedy .
Hope some of my inspiration gets a chance to witness my first masterpiece and one day meet;
@wizkhalifa .🙏🙏🙏
And as you Rest In Peace May you continue to motivate and shape my career and code of conduct:
🙏🙏🙏🎤🎬🎼 #letthemarathoncontinue

Ka$pa is a diverse artist born and raised in New York City and currently living in Switzerland. He incorporates his high intensity lifestyle into his music and demonstrates flow and versatility...