Deep Elem Blues (Live)

90 Plays —
, 2019
Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 31 Mai 2019
- Beschreibung
“If you go down to Deep Elem / to have a little fun
Get your twenty dollars ready / when that policeman comes” - Erstellungsjahr 2019
- Regie (Video) N/A
- Tags live, harmonica, acoustic blues, banjo
- 90 Plays
Credits & Dank
Merci à l’équipe et au public de la Blues Association of Geneva pour leur accueil.
Enregistré en concert au BdG Club, Genève, le 16 mai 2019.

Floyd Beaumont And The Arkadelphians
Old American Roots Music
12 tracks
Many a rumor and legend surrounds the origins and life of Floyd Beaumont, but very little is actually known about the man and his music.
Did he really leave his native Arkadelphia, Arkansas, as...
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