REEL BEETZ - Step By Step (feat. Miss C-Line & Arbajo Jairus) - Mx3.ch

Step By Step (feat. Miss C-Line & Arbajo Jairus)

74 plays
Hip Hop
14 tracks

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Added on 2 August 2019

Year of creation
smooth, chilled, decelerate, swiss hip hop, miss c-line, step by step, arbajo jairus, reel beetz, slow, chilling, meditation, soul, soulful, time, oldschool

Credits and thanks

Rap: Arbajo Jairus (https://www.instagram.com/arbajo.j)
Rap, Vocals: Miss C-Line (https://www.instagram.com/or.v.c)
Production, Beatprogramming, Drums, Composition, Mix, Video, Artwork: Joel Studler (https://joelstudler.ch)
Artwork, Video: Lilian Salathé (https://www.liliansalathe.ch)

74 plays