REEL BEETZ - Stand Strong (feat. Burni Aman & Veronika's NDIIGO) - Mx3.ch

Stand Strong (feat. Burni Aman & Veronika's NDIIGO)

60 plays
Hip Hop
14 tracks

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Added on 11 October 2019

Year of creation
reel beetz, veronikas ndiigo, burni aman, decelerate, inspiration, swiss hip hop, chakras, strong, soul hip hop, soul, soulful, hip-hop, rap

Credits and thanks

Vocals: Veronika's NDIIGO (http://veronikastalder.ch)
Rap: Burni Aman (https://www.instagram.com/burni_aman/)
Production, Composition, Mix, Artwork: Joel Studler (https://joelstudler.ch)
Artwork: Lilian Salathé (https://www.liliansalathe.ch)

60 plays