On air
Les Fleurs du Sable Tunisien
104 plays —
, 2019
About the Track
- Added on 11 February 2020
- Year of creation 2019
- Director Cédric Heckly & A.W.A
- Tags compositeur, singer-songwriter, beach, film, song, songwriter, voix, guitar, acoustique, folk, video
- 104 plays
Credits and thanks
Merci à Cédric Heckly: https://www.instagram.com/cedricheckly pour la video.
Merci à Into The Yard: https://www.instagram.com/into_the_yard pour l'opportunité.
17 tracks
A.W.A is an acronym for Another Wåndering Artist. I wander the World wondering where I will go.
A.W.A is a project created by songwriter Benjamin James Roger Lana. Growing up between the Alps...
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