About this Track
- Added on 4 April 2020
- Album A Colorful Life
- Year of creation 2019
- Label Lovismusic
- Tags sometimes, pop, singer-songwriter, lovis
- 46 plays
All songs and lyrics by Lovis and Elgen.
Produced by Nils Freiwald (metallwerk-studios.de) & Rico Horber (teamh-productions.com)
Recorded by Tonwerk 132, Metallwerk Studios & Team H Productions, Mallorca
Editing by Nils Freiwald & Pascal Von Allmen
Mixed by Guy Page (guypageproducer.com)
Mastered by Dan Suter (echochamber.ch)
Vocals and backing vocals by Lovis
Guitars by Lovis, Nils Freiwald, Lars Hoffmann & Marco Clerc
Add. Drums, Percussion, Programmings by Rico Horber & Stefan Gisler
Keyboards and additonal synths by Pio De Silva (The Wave Studio Wohlen AG)
Bass by Marco Clerc
Artwork by Dominique Schaffner (Dominique Designs)
Photos by VDPICTURES (vdpictures.ch)
P+C 2019 Lovismusic, Switzerland
Thanks to Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur for the support.

Die Singer-Songwriterin Lovis steht seit vielen Jahren auf diversen Bühnen. Früher noch als Frontfrau einer Girl Rockband und seit fünf Jahren als Solo Pop Künstlerin.
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