Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 15 April 2020
- Beschreibung
I started writing this song in October 2019, redrafting it in January and going into production beginning of March, just when due to the coronavirus pandemic Europe shut its borders and went on lockdown. Ironically, the theme of the song is about what happens to you, when everything falls apart… I never thought this would happen the way it has! Still, it’s a hopeful song and I am sure there is also a lot of good in this terrible tragedy that we all are facing. Maybe by discovering how thankful one can be about the small things in life that one normally doesn’t notice.
- Erstellungsjahr 2020
- Regie (Video) Byron Trieb
- Tags #urban, #songwriter, #groove, #rock, #video, #newsongout
- 30 Plays
Song written and performed by Dave Curl
Produced, mixed, and mastered by k.o. - recording arts.
Additional E-Guitar by Holger Düchting. Filmed by Byron Trieb.
🎬 Check Out My Songs:
👉 You Got Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5hDwKJgaEU
👉 Dreamsurfing: https://youtu.be/jrKSCCHiVKs
👉 Work For Your Relation: https://youtu.be/LZa_oXdhqzc
👉 Hot Summer's Day: https://youtu.be/t_pTnbZRfAQ
👉 Sometimes You Get Lucky: https://youtu.be/dukzqsK8OQg
👉 These Days: https://youtu.be/pOcaQ65gpEg
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Dave Curl ist ein Schweizer Singer-Songwriter mit englisch-australischen Wurzeln, geboren und aufgewachsen in der Schweiz. Seit 2015 schafft und performt er Musik, die eine Mischung aus Folk, Pop...