On air
I Wanna Know You
342 plays — Pop , 2020
cover image

Mischgewebe is a carefully chosen name for duo Bill Bühler and Melanie Danuser’s amorphous and atmospheric music. Translating to “blended weave”, and recalling the image of complex many-coloured...

  • Year of creation 2020
  • Label Lauter Musik
  • Tags electropop, bandxost, mischgewebe, iwannaknowyou, new release, swiss artist
Credits and thanks

Melanie Danuser aka Mel D --> vocals / synths
Bill Bühler aka Bill B --> backing vocals / synths / programming / production
Simon Jäger --> Mix & Prodiction
Robin Schmid --> Mastering

Foto: Mindaugas Matulis
Grafik: Sina Gerschwiler

Lable: Lauter Musik
