Sir Folk - I Am The Guy - Mx3.ch

I Am The Guy

34 ascolti
4 brani

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Aggiunto il 14 ottobre 2020

Anno di creazione
songwriter, pop, atmospheric, folk

Crediti e ringraziamenti

#songwriter #french #folk #electro

Balad in a maze
Hello. My name is Sir Folk. I love to write songs and stories. If you enjoyed this one, don't forget to share it with your friends. Thanks for listening to my music. There will be more soon.

Bonjour. Mon nom est Sir Folk. J'aime écrire des chansons et des histoires. Si vous avez apprécié celle-ci, n'oubliez de la reposter à vos amis. Merci d'avoir écouté ma musique. Il y en aura d'autres bientôt.
Photo by Vek Labs on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/@veklabs)

34 ascolti