Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 1 Oktober 2006
- Album Jah is a Radio
- Erstellungsjahr 2008
- Label Gunt Productions
- 969 Plays
Fight : ( S.Ganzer / Zion's Power - 2005 )
Showing our bombs
Or painting the sky
The wars never stop
They just try to change
Who is the worst
At the time of freedom
When we consecrate
A new time of evidence
What kind of elephant are we hiding
The ring is nowhere
Just deep in your heart
I'm always fighting
I'm always yeah yeah...
This funy way we have to be now
So tell me why
Why I do feel so lonely
This funy way we have to be now
So tell me why
Why do I yo yo yo
I'm always fighting
Even I'm a pacifist
Against this recurant
Must of our habits
I still hate guns
And we dont need them
The dogm we follow
Create all this arsenal
We lost a nerve
Because of a bill
We try to civilise
A new part of union
I'm always fighting...
Where is the time
Of human begin
When we civilise just only us
Shining over over the miror
Where is the time, where is the time...
10 années de bonnes vibes pour les Zion’s Power
C’est à l’automne 1997 que les frimas saisonniers donnèrent des envies tropicales à une poignée de musiciens sierrois. Réunis pêle-mêle dans les...