ZION'S POWER - Africa - Mx3.ch


702 plays
9 tracks

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Added on 1 October 2006

Jah is a Radio
Year of creation
Gunt Productions

Credits and thanks

Africa : ( S. Ganzer / Zion's Power - 2005 )

Some kind of monster

That is meeting you late

The same you'll hate and fight

And makes you stop dreaming

Ho Just let me breath

Ho Just let me breath

Some kind of good vibes

Those catch you in the end of night

The moment you decide to front

When the army standing up

I've got so many choices

So many clouds to wash

A medical explanation time

Is now so far away

Also the big usuel dogm

With his train of wrong truth

Let me know how to do

Scratch me from the ground

Love me as we never protest

And bless all the braves

Let me know how to do

And scratch me from the ground

Ho just have to let me breath

702 plays