On air
Une dernière fois
393 plays —
, 2008
About the Track
- Added on 17 October 2007
- Album Richard Koechli, laid-back
- Year of creation 2008
- Label MARA-Records (AMA-Verlag)
- 393 plays
- 3 plays yesterday
Credits and thanks
J'ai toujours eu un grand respect auprès des artistes de rue! Si on les ignore, on risque d'effacer leur étoile. Je dédie cette chanson à Emil Manser de Lucerne, qui ne reviendra jamais.
![cover image](/pictures/mx3/file/0109/5279/landscape_xlarge/web_album-cover_transcendental-blues_richard-koechli.jpg?1683233979)
Richard Koechli
Rootsmusic, Blues, Am...
24 tracks
Richard Koechli won the SWISS BLUES AWARD, the SWISS FILM AWARD (for the music to "Der Goalie bin ig"), the GERMAN MUSIC EDITION AWARD and was nominated for the PRIX WALO. His album "The Real...
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