Doolay meets The Giants - Babylon

77 plays —
, 2012
About the Track
- Added on 6 January 2013
- Description
Doolay meets The Giants - Babylon
Produced by Duke Production - www.dukeprod.com
https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/id581908116?affId=1108120 - Year of creation 2012
- Director Peace Ko « Dawise Office » à Dakar, Sénégal
- 77 plays
Credits and thanks
Texte et arrangement vocaux : Doolay (Papa Abdoulaye Diop)
Musique et production : The Giants - Duke Production Switzerland
Riddim : Across the border
avec l'aimable participation d' Amandine Posse (Chœurs), d' Olivier Magarotto (Orgue Hammond) de Fatou Kiné DIOP "Kinfa", de Seynabou Faye "Lady Zee" et de Mé François Béthel Kona (Clip vidéo)

The Giants
20 tracks
The Giants is a dub roots reggae band based in Switzerland. Produced by the label Duke Production, The Giants offers authentic reggae and regularly collaborates with internationally renowned artists.
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