À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 1 novembre 2014
- Description
Singer-Songwriter SirJoe just released his new Album "Treasures in a box".
In the single ‘’I Worry“, you get carried away by the supporting hook line of the mandolin that hopefully lets you forget, for a brief moment, that you are on your way to work. In this song, SirJoe talks about a very personal treasure that has been lost, but never the less stays in the heart. It’s about missed chances, admitting mistakes, love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. The songs from ‘’Treasures in a Box“ talk about such personal treasures. The video was filmed in New York City. To SirJoe it was an unforgettable and impressive experience that certainly belongs in his personal treasure chest. - Année de création 2014
- Régisseur (vidéo) Yves Fontana
- 28 plays

Le premier EP de Serge Christen, sous le nom de SirJoe et intitulé "Half the story" est sorti en 2012. Son surnom lui a été donné alors qu'il était étudiant au Musicians Institute à LA par ses...