s'Liechtli (Christine Lauterburg)
465 plays —
, 2021
About the Track
- Added on 12 January 2008
- Album http://www.mx3.ch/artist/christinelauterburg
- Year of creation 2021
- Label Sound Service
- Tags jimmy flitz wiehnacht, christine lauterburg
- 465 plays
Credits and thanks
Dank an Pascal de Sapio für eines der schönsten neuen "Volkslieder" und an Christine Lauterburg und Hank Shizzoe, Gitarre.
Jimmy Flitz Schwiizermuus
Musik für Kinder
57 tracks
Jimmy Flitz (the mouse from the cathedral of Berne) the most famous mouse of Switzerland. Travelling with his friends throug magic places, singing and dancing with some of the best Swiss dialect...
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