Gus Glen - The Circus Is Leaving Town - Mx3.ch

The Circus Is Leaving Town

37 Plays
5 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 2 Februar 2008


Credits & Dank

Not that I want to sound like some sort of jet-setter, but this tune popped into my head whilst I was wondering around in San-Francisco, October 2006. I sung the tune into my mobile phone and there it sat till January 2007 when I was in Martinique. I mucked around with it a bit and the title phrase just kind of turned up as a guide lyric. So the rest of the lyrics have really just come about as an extension of the title.
I hereby confess that that's not a real accordion on there, it's the accordion setting on my old cheapo home keyboard.

The instrumentation is -

Rhythm guitar - my crappy holiday guitar, I bought this pile of rubbish to take on holidays with me, it's only just playable and doesn't sound at all good but for some reason records really well.

Lead guitar - Gibson J50

Double bass

Fake accordion - A cheap old Yamaha home keyboard.

Drums - courtesy of the built in drum machine on my Boss BR864

37 Plays