The Gypsyflies - Feel the music - Mx3.ch

Feel the music

372 plays
6 tracks

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Added on 22 November 2009

Year of creation

Credits and thanks

Mit "Feel the Music" haben wir den Wettbewerb "La Fibule d'Alaric 2009" gewonnen. Danke an all die die uns unterstützen. www.thegypsyflies.com

Avec "Feel the music" on a gagné le concours "La Fibule d'Alaric 2009". Merci à tout ceux qui nous supporte. www.thegypsyflies.com

With "Feel the music" we won the "Fibule d'Alaric 2009" bandcontest. Thanks to all of you guys who suport us. www.thegypsyflies.com

372 plays