UniverStarProd - Jah rasta babylon boys (feat. Lil BigMac) - Supervision - Mx3.ch

Jah rasta babylon boys (feat. Lil BigMac) - Supervision

40 plays
15 tracks

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Added on 24 June 2010

Year of creation

Credits and thanks

Contrairement aux apparences, les JRBB ne sont pas nés à Kingston town, même s'ils ont été élevés au Pure Jamaican Sound. C'est grâce à leur collaboration fructueuse avec Lil BigMac (label Ganja Connection Sound System) qu'ils se font connaître au-delà des frontières de leur Gros-de-Vaud natal.
UniverStarProduction a la super vision de produire ce joyeux et frétillant dodécatet qui ne tardera pas à atteindre le sommet des charts rootsababylon.
Rien ne les arrête, tant qu'il y aura de l'herbe sur cette planète.
Contrary to what it may seem, the JRBB were not born in Kingston Town, even if they were raised to the Pure Jamaican Sound. Thanks to their fruitful collaboration with Lil BigMac (Ganga Connection Sound System label) they became known beyond the borders of their native "Gros-de-Vaud".
UniverStarProduction had the super vision to produce this merry and wriggling dodecatette, about to reach the top of rootsababylonian charts.
Their time will not pass, as long as this earth is covered with grass.

40 plays