À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 4 juin 2012
- Année de création 2012
- 269 plays
Version enregistrée lors du concert au Silver du 19 mai, 3 jours après l'avoir composée...
Roasted sausage is nothing compared to
You think you're the smartest ?! No !! It's F'omage !
In the darkness the only answer is
No matter what, the only answer is F'omage
All that matter is love, love is life, life is F'omage
Make me feel better, you're the best one ever
How would we deal without you F'omage ?!?
The wolrd is over you're the only saviour
You drive ! You drive me totally F'omage
All that matter is love, love is life, life is F'omage
What's the meaning of life ? F'omage !
Does god exist ? F'omage !
What's the limit of the Universe ? F'omage !
And who's the only one who can defeat Chuck Norris ?
It's F'omage !!

TAX COLLECTOR est un groupe formé début 2012 autour d'une idée toute simple : prendre son pied sans se prendre la tête. Les 3 compères, déjà bien aguerris, en profitent pour explorer d'abord...