The modern era of music has given way to enigmas and artists of all shapes and forms who break the norm of what have come to expect as far as what an artist truly is. VAXXER is one artist that epitomises the essence of the modern era. A multi-talented musician and producer from Frauenfeld in Switzerland.
VAXXER is making music that is thoughtful, conscious and driven by a desire to motivate, inspire, comfort and spread love and joy to all those that hear it.
He has had a vast array of musical influences across multiple genres However, he accredits the pivotal influences and inspiration in his life to mainly Drum and Bass with influences from Triphop, Breakbeats, Jungle, Rock & Metal und classic EDM. Citing great musicians such as Pendulum, the Prodigy, Dropset, Sub Focus as his main influences.
VAXXER describes his tracks as stories and are essentially vehicles to express thoughts and feelings Every Track expresses a feeling, struggle or idea that Vaxxer had. All these experiences eventually grew into a style of making music that is transparent, daring and full of hope and reflective of the experiences and perspectives that VAXXER wishes to express.
By using music to express emotions and thoughts, turning pain into purpose and lessons into studio sessions without the elaborate nature of typical EDM
This has led him to become a true music connoisseur who looks beyond the traditional barriers of genre with a varied repertoire of production and repetitive patterns. This all culminates in VAXXER producing a musical experience that is enjoyable, easy going and fun but still seeks to provoke thought.