Vilo, whose real name is Olivier Mitsou, was born of a Swiss mother and a Greek father in Athens on February 4th, 1988. Vilo moved to Neuchâtel, a small town in Switzerland on July 31st, 1999. His love for music led him to enrol in a music school, where he made his debut as singer/rapper/songwriter.
In 2009, he joined the funk band “Crescent City Connection” with whom he performed more than 40 concerts. Therefore, he acquired great experience in the field of live performance. From 2010, he’s active in the rap group “Le Michigang”. In August 2011, Vilo and the composer FlexFab released on the Internet a song called “Rollin’” that will subsequently be broadcasted three times a day during 5 months on the renowned Swiss radio “Couleur 3”. The video clip of this track was played several times on TVM3, a Swiss music channel. Vilo was nominated for the m4music 2012 in the category “Urban” and for the repreZent awards 2011 in the category “Best Song”.
In 2012, Vilo decided to leave “Crescent City Connection” to concentrate on other artistic projects. Spotted by Wilfried Josset, composer, producer and co-founder of White Cube Records Sàrl, he starts with the latter the preparation of his first solo album. The titles are produced at an unbelievable speed, particularly as each track has the makings of a hit. The first single of the album, called “Lady Zeppelin”, was released on the 12th June 2013. A launching party took place on 14th June 2013 at “Queen Kong Café” in Neuchâtel (CH) before the album’s release planned on 17th June 2013. The second single of the album, called “Dusty”, was released on the 9th August 2013.