Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 9 Juni 2021
- Beschreibung
This secound song of the Popcorn-Opera talks about an amazing, previously unknown superhero: Captain Flamingo. On the outside he wears pink feathers, inside he carries a courage that goes beyond our imagination. Let yourself inspire by a song that combines profundity with easiness, that cheerfully exposes self-deception and at the same time invites you to dance and enjoy the summer.
The Popcorn-Opera is a longterm project of Bibi Vaplan. It represents a live-changing, artistic explosion in all directions. How long the project is going to last is written in the stars, exactly where she wants to fly to.
- Album Popcorn-Opera
- Erstellungsjahr 2021
- Label R-tunes
- Regie (Video) Rafael Casaulta, Martin Riesen
- Tags rumantsch, captainflamingo, bibivaplan, popcornopera
- 1779 Plays
Actors: Gabriela Djonov, Nadia Bergamin, Pascal Bühler, Dino Sabanovic, Jerôme Peter.
Song: Produced, recorded and mixed by Philippe Laffer, Alterna Recording Studios, Basel, www.alternarecordingstudios.ch
Guitar: Nicoals Ruedin
Drums: Julien Pinheiro
Special Thanks to: Chollerhalle Zug

Bibi Vaplan ist vielleicht die eigensinnigste Musikerin und Künstlerin der rätoromanischen Musikszene. Seit neustem entdeckt sie mit den Popcornaut:innen in der Popcorn-Opera ein neues kreatives...