À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 18 mai 2021
- Description
© WE ARE AVA / Musikvertrieb AG 2021
- Album Inner Gardening
- Année de création 2021
- Label muve on! pop
- Régisseur (vidéo) WE ARE AVA & Claude Gabriel
- Tags darkparty, darkpop, dark, heartbreak, lovesong, ableton, moog, prophet, female, femalevoice, female vocal, drums, musikvertrieb, weareavaband, weareava, avaband, ava, video, livemusic, videoclip, onetake, liveversion, livesession, live, stringversion, strippedversion, strings, stripped, album, release, single, morethanyoulikeme, synthpop, synth, electropop, electro, pop, pop music
- 34 plays
"More Than You Like Me - Stripped String Version (Live)" composed and written by WE ARE AVA, Benedikt Maile & Sinan Hosgel
produced by WE ARE AVA & Benedikt Maile
string arrangement by Simon Griesinger & Nicola Holenstein
mixed by Lars The Music Guy
mastered by Dan Suter
released by muve on! pop
video by Claude Gabriel - https://www.claudegabriel.ch
A big thank you goes to the location host Viktor Gschwend and Blumen Gschwend, to our tech support Stagelight AG and to our wonderful musicians Manuel Bokanyi, Rahel Koller, Livia Schiess & Cheyenne Sonderegger.

Avec des univers sonores aux multiples facettes, des textes aux mots crus ainsi qu’avec la voix veloutée de la chanteuse Kim, le Newcomer-Trio WE ARE AVA transforme son existence grâce à ses hauts,...