À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 30 mai 2022
- Année de création 2022
- Label deepdive music
- Régisseur (vidéo) Arthur Henry, Film for Reel
- 99 plays
Co-produced by the public libraries of the city of Geneva
Many many thanks to all the participants (by order of apparition)
Ross Butcher (trombone)
Rootwords (Rap)
Mathieu Garcia (Xylophone)
Maude et Alexandre Garcia (hand claps)
Romain Garcia (mini xylophone)
Phil Güd (Mini trumpet and exercising)
Philippe Guinnard (hitting on a fence)
Alexix Trempley (playing drums on pipes and on the lighthouse's door)
Damien Schmocker (hitting a metal plate)
Tom Mendy (double bass)
Albane Schlechten (hitting on a fence)
Sébastien Bourquin (bike)
Félicien Lia, Youri and Fabien (football)
Natalia Ann (singing)
Jena Ka (singing)
Diana Meierhans (singing)
Romain Toppano (Pad)
Michael Borcard (sopran sax)
Lucie Catillaz (Kochi)
Julie Campiche (harpe)
Jaaq (guitar, rap and shaker)
Unknown cat
Jay Lansen (scooter)
Raoul Bickel-Pasche (water bottle and wooden fence)
Pascal Jean (bike and cymbal)
Daniel Gottérrez Gomez (tambourin)
Cyril Chal (synth)
Yannis Ziesche (hitting on a rail)
Elias Tiawni (blows in a bottle)
Stéphanie Jaquet (singing)
Ana Pires (singing and body percussion)
Aiman Chetari (whistles with a paper)
Song by Arthur Henry
Mixed and mastered by Tijany Bacci
Video by Films for Reel and Arthur Henry
Special thanks to Rootwords for taking the time to write a whole song for this!!!
Thanks to my very first Patreons for making this possible 🎉
Nicole Jaquet Henry
Frédéric Schaer
Sylvain Borella
Max Rosenthal
Jonas Viatte
Become one of my Patreons to watch all my videos before everyone else and get exclusive loopstation tutorials, or to be part of one of my video sampling projects ▶ https://www.patreon.com/ArthurHenry

Le beatboxer Arthur Henry fabrique de la musique à partir de sons joués dans le monde entier
Le monde est fait de bribes de sons que le musicien Arthur Henry capture pour en faire des collages....