Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 21 August 2022
- Beschreibung
I was at home, sitting in my room, waiting for something to happen
Pleasuring myself all night long, over and over again
As I saw a light in the distanceIt was the TV of my neighbour
He was watching it all night longI still didn’t want to sleep, but I went to bed
I watched a movie and felt like a lonesome cowboy
Riding his horse into the sunset
I had the funniest dreams
About a rainbow train with a dancing house on top of it
Hehehe - Album Luna Park
- Erstellungsjahr 2022
- Label Mouthwatering Records
- Regie (Video) Luisa Zürcher
- Tags animation, alternative rock, alternative, psychedelic, neopsychedelia, indie-rock, indie pop, popmusik, pop music, pop, dada, indie, diy
- 46 Plays
Video Credits
Video by Luisa Zürcher
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Kulturförderung von Stadt und Kanton St. Gallen
Song Credits
Written & Recorded by Elio Ricca
Mixed by Giuliano Sulzberger
Mastered by Slade Templeton
Es ist eine Party im Gange, voller trippiger Lichter, Glitzer und Münzen, die dir das Glück deines Lebens versprechen. Seit das Duo Elio Ricca gegründet wurde, haben sie mehr Keller in der Schweiz...