White Dune - Don't stop - Mx3.ch

Don't stop

34 plays
14 tracks


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Added on 7 March 2023

Year of creation
disco, soul, funk

Credits and thanks

Recording and Mix : Max Torche on November 2022 @ Relief Studios
Mastering : Elliot James Mulhern, California
Art work : Seraphine Sallin-Mason and Hector Codazzi
Production and Songwriting : White Dune
Special thanks for all the help sent on our crowdfunding

Lead singer - Catherine Demierre
Guitare - Arnaud Frossard
Keys : Nicolas George Ducrest
Bass - Philippe Cotting
Drums - Vincent Frossard
Chorus - Chiara Paiva & Justine Laville
Trombones - Grégory Meige & Mathieu Senn
Saxophones - Thierry Marro & Jérôme Laffely

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/white_dune/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WhtDn
mail : contact@whitedune.ch

34 plays