About the Track
- Added on 4 September 2023
- Description
..After his failed mission to conquer the sun, our bold explorer is returning to earth only to find a devastated planet. But there's hope
Try to sail around the sun
Just because it can't be done
Cash your price in
A new horizonOn our travels to the core
We found god and wanted more
All but the endingHold on until it's gone
My inner me is my enemy
I am the prison, he's free
We walk like blind men
on the dark side of the sun
With open eyes you won't see
But you'll never ever knowI pick him up, he puts me down
His only burden's a crown
We swim in circles
in the deep end of the sea
We'll either drown or go downStill you never ever know
What life has got to show
Eight billion faces
Mysterious places
All but the oneStill you never ever know
How life begins to grow
Eight billion faces
Mysterious places
All but the oneWide open spaces
Find hidden traces
All minus oneIV
A hundred eight have gone before
They were washed up on the shore
Those who follow
Will soon be swallowed
Hold on until it's goneAbout:
Die zweite Single-Auskopplung des neuen Albums III des Schweizer Heavy-Psych-Prog Trios „The Univerrse by Ear“ heisst „Sail Around The Sun“. In dem vierteiligen Song-Epos ‘Sail Around The Sun’ erzählen The Universe By Ear in vier Parts die Geschichte des Menschen, der sich die Sonne Untertan machen will. Er begibt sich auf eine instrumentelle Weltumrundung und wirft schliesslich im treibenden Schlussdrittel einen Blick ins Innere eines Getriebenen.
Der 12-Minüter erzählt von des Menschen steter Suche nach neuen Horizonten und Herausforderungen. Er thematisiert den Machbarkeitswahn der heutigen hochtechnisierten Gesellschaft, den Wunsch des Menschen, das Unmögliche zu erreichen, das Zerbrechen daran - und das Wieder-Auferstehen daraus. - Album III
- Year of creation 2022
- Label Onstage records
- Director Pascal Grünenfelder
- Tags progressive rock, heavy psych
- 100 plays
Animation: Overtoon Studios - https://www.overtoon-studios.net
Camera: Sergio Cassini, T-Vision - https://tvision.ch
Concept, director, edit: Pascal Grünenfelder
Styling, Make-Up, Assistant: Martina Böhler
Music: The Universe By Ear
Sponsored by Musikbüro Basel - https://www.musikbuerobasel.ch/

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