The Hunt - "Live am Waldrock Openair '23"

27 plays —
, 2023
About this Track
- Added on 10 August 2023
- Description
Tauch ein in die geballte Energie von The Hunt live auf dem Waldrock Openair! Spür, wie die Band die Bühne rockt und das Publikum mitreißt. Erleb mit, wie wir unsere Hits vor der Festival-Kulisse performen. Sei dabei und lass dich von der unvergleichlichen Atmosphäre mitreißen. The Hunt - Deine neue Lieblingsband aus Thun. Verpass dieses Live-Video nicht!
- Year of creation 2023
- Director Chris Furer
- Tags music performance, live show, rock band, music event, stage presence, concert highlights, music vibes, crowd interaction, energetic performance, festival experience, thun band, live music, music festival, band performance, rock music, live performance, thun festival, waldrock openair, the hunt
- 27 plays

The Hunt
Alternative Rock / Ne...
8 tracks
Finding new strength in extraordinary times - detaching from negative thoughts and confrontations: the pandemic time was creative time for the rock band from Thun. The Hunt are in the starting...
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