Antipodes - Pandorum - Mx3.ch


14 plays
6 tracks

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Added on 20 November 2023

Year of creation
Antipodes Records
#heavymetal, #swissmetalband

Credits and thanks

Pandorum is a space opera, a tale of desperate means and last hopes.
Mankind is on the run after the collapse of civilisation, the last lone survivors cruising in the void of space at unfathomable speed. Yet, they're not alone. As desaster strikes, the cybernetic captain must sacrifice himself in order to fullfill his mission. In the end, the spaceship crashlands on an alien planet, the fate of all life on earth hanging by a thread...

Pandorum is the second of a line of four singles, so stay tuned for more )!

Written and produced by Manuel Wunderlich and Matteo Cellini

Instrumental recordings by:
Matteo Cellini (Vocals)
Manuel Wunderlich (Keyboards and sound design)
Mathias Lehtoranta (Guitars)
Antti Hortana (Bass)
Daniel J. Gallardo (Drums)

Mixed and Mastered by Christoffer Borg

Video created by Stereo 27 Productions

Digital Art by @giovanni_giorgibarbieri_art
Animated by Tyostudio

Artwork by Ariangga

14 plays

1 play yesterday