Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 1 März 2024
- Beschreibung
Monoride is a track that I produced and recorded as I just played Space Invaders. A homage to the bass drum, interwoven with grooving percussion and a minimalistic bass. An up-tempo sketch lasting just under four minutes, with a swinging ride cymbal and driving hi-hat. On the dance floor, it encourages wild and cheerful fidgeting in monochrome, while extraterrestrial spaceships land in the city outside. Mission Control Luk Walther (ttmc.ch) at Audiolager Bern is responsible for the re-mastering.
- Erstellungsjahr 2024
- Label mother releases
- Regie (Video) Matthias Dellsperger
- Tags plektron, techhouse, minimaltech, minimal house
- 25 Plays
- 1 Play gestern
Very interesting charming percussion - Beat for Beat
Groove that won't let go - Smoke and Bless
The bass groove feslt pretty funky - Alpas Records
Bass line and groove - Plattenbau Music
Solid drums, techy and housy - The Groove Cartel
Love the vibe - Europe Underground Collective

Plektron mit Realname Matthias Ben Dellsperger ist Elektronikproduzent, Gitarrist und Singer-Songwriter. Der aus der Stadt Bern stammende Musiker veröffentlichte seit Beginn seiner Laufbahn zwei...