À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 7 décembre 2024
- Description
Pau Mueller’s new song MOANA is a heartfelt song which connects with everybody. From touching on themes of feeling lost, uncertainty and going through change, MOANA deals in how to cope with these feelings, and the change that can happen when you learn not to fall appart. The song will make you reflect on the changes in your life and leave you feeling wholer as a person.
- Album ¿QUÉ VA A PASAR?
- Année de création 2024
- Label Nevance AG
- Régisseur (vidéo) Miguel Eduardo González
- 45 plays
- 1 play hier
Pau Mueller
Target Audiovisual
Miguel Eduardo González
Concepto y Guion:
Kenny Montoya
Pau Mueller
Miguel Eduardo González
Edición y Montaje:
Miguel Eduardo González
Producción Musical:
Santiago Marín
Música y Letras:
Paula Müller
Zandú Montoya
Simón Gallego
Santiago Marín
María Paula Penagos Jaramillo
Samuel Gaviria Ramírez
Que mes chansons disent qui je suis