About this Track
- Added on 12 January 2025
- Year of creation 2024
- Label àgogo
- Tags afrofusion, brig, wallis, laudazio, swissmusician, mundart, walliserditsch, walliserdeutsch, wallisermusik, afro beat, afrobreat, afro beats, amapiano
- 13 plays
Lyrics & Recording: Simon "Laudazio" Zenhäusern
Mixing: Daniele "Mondetto" Alianiello
Music: Alvin "Orktave Beatz" Ado
Mastering: Hans-Philipp "HP Mastering" Graf
► info@laudazio.ch
(Language: Swiss German "Walliserdeutsch")
(english translation below)
in my Feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
you ma Supagal
1. Strophe:
ich hä gedeicht, chenne lei sii mit gar kei Mieh
stah vor minem Feister und weiss wa mi das hett gfiert
now riefi Mayday, numme will's einsam isch nur mit mier
ich cha nid ohni dich, nei, no, no, no, welltisch nid heimcho, don’t know
ha der ganz Tag lang gwarte uf eis
Zeiche, bi wachsam, doch es chund keis
checke mini Mails und so, läufe züe im Chreis, uf Strom
in mier spannt’s alls ah, d’Arma und d’Bei
heitre mi langsam ah, doch null Freid
why bisch dü afraid, chum scho, gängi ver dich straight zum Mond
Refrain (2x):
in my Feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
you ma Supagal
2. Strophe:
und will ich weiss, dass das Leid nid vo lei vergeit
steit’s fest, es git eifach nur eis, wa mich heilt, that’s safe
versetzti Bärga ver iisch, doch dü bisch wäg, willt mer nix gleube
wenn dü mich wählsch, macht’s veli, dini alt Wält wieder biz neuer
damals nid rächt gmerkt, dumm gsi
bevor dü ghandlet hesch, de vanander sii gange
alls wo erläbt hesch, zu mies
dü hesch das alles nie ganz verchraftet, verstah’s jetzt
aber ich fräge susch gli
warum keis Comeback, I want you ganz fest, ich gstah's jetzt
hesch mich geprägt, weischus nid?
in my Feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
in my Feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
in my feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
you ma Supagal
1st verse:
I thought that I could be all alone without any effort
stand in front of my mirror and know where this has led me
now I'm calling mayday just because it's lonely just being with meI can't do without you, no, no, no, no, don't you want to come home, I don't know
I've been waiting all day for a
sign, I was vigilant, but none came
I check my emails and stuff, I'm constantly running round in circles, I'm all excited
everything tenses up inside me, my arms and legs
I slowly cheer myself up, but I have no joy
why are you afraid, come on, I'd go straight to the moon for you
Chorus (2x):
in my feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
you ma Supagal
2nd verse:
and because I know that suffering doesn't go away by itself
it's certain, there's only one thing that heals me, that's safe
would move mountains for you, but you're gone, don't want to believe me
if you choose me, maybe it will make your old world a little newer again
I didn't realise back then, was stupid
before you acted, before we left each other
everything you experienced was too bad
you never quite got over it all, I understand now
but I still ask
why no comeback, I want you very much, I confess it now
you shaped me, don't you know that?
in my feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal
in my feelings, trapped
you ma Supagal

Wenn Walliserdeutsch auf afrikanisch angehauchte Rhythmen trifft - dann muss es Laudazio sein!
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