About the Track
- Added on 10 October 2016
- Description
Our second videolip from our upcoming album "Songs for the Confused".
You can listen to the Song online
Soundcloud (www.soundcloud.com/hendricksthehatmaker)
Follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/hendricksthehatmaker) - Album Videos
- Year of creation 2016
- Label Smugglers Records
- Director Nicolas Sigrist
- 199 plays
1000 Thanks to
Buschi & Anni (http://www.buschiandanni.ch)
Coco Galaxy (http://cocogalaxy.ch)
Feather & Stone (http://www.featherandstone.ch)
Hairdryer (http://www.hairdryer.ch)
Insanity (http://insanity.ch)
Mala & Fyrmoon (http://www.malamusic.ch)
Maple Tree Circus (http://www.mapletreecircus.ch/)
The Espionne (http://www.theespionne.ch)
Twopiecechampions-trio & the Conflict (http://twopiecechampions.ch)

After a few pints of Guinness and an evening of singing along Queen songs in the honourable Roisin Dubh in Galway, Hendricks the Hatmaker has been lifted from its cradle. Renato, Nicolas, Stefan...