On air
Mek A Change
91 plays —
, 2015
À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 23 octobre 2016
- Album Struggle Riddim - Selection / Cookiebox
- Année de création 2015
- Label Weedy G / VPal
- 91 plays
Crédits et remerciements
Riddim: P. Barro (Weedy G Soundforce)
Lyrics: S. Raschi (Cookie The Herbalist)
Song also to find on Cookie The Herbalist's 'COOKIEBOX' compilation (2016)
buy here: https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/mek-a-change/id1083538169?i=1083538561
Cookie The Herbalist
outernational, versat...
69 morceaux
Check Bio here: www.cookietheherbalist.com
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