Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 7 Dezember 2016
- Beschreibung
It’s almost 2017 and it seems like the world is burning more than ever. Humankind keeps on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. We burn our fingers on the same hot stove, generation after generation. When will we learn from history and past experiences? Although we live in an age, where knowledge is accessible everywhere at any time, the current level of ignorance and stupidity is frighteningly high. Will We Ever Learn… We must come together one day!
The lyrics and the high quality clip are available on my YouTube channel jomamusica. Everything is self-made, I hope you like it. - Erstellungsjahr 2016
- Regie (Video) Joseph Marino
- 96 Plays
- 1 Play gestern
Hallo Musikliebhaber*in! Ich bin ein Indie-Künstler aus Schaffhausen, der es liebt mit verschiedenen Genres zu experimentieren. Alle Songs entstehen in meinem kleinen Homestudio. Dank meiner...