About the Track
- Added on 20 December 2016
- Album By the Grace of Dynamite
- Year of creation 2016
- Label Invisible Inc.
- Tags pop, songwriting, folk
- 320 plays
- 1 play yesterday
Mixed and Produced by Fred Merk
Mastered by S. Husky Höskulds
Cover and Design by Jean-Marc Alder
Pictures by Emma Frei
MICHAEL FREI Vocals, Piano, Acoustic and Electric Guitars on “Thank God I Found You, Virginia Sledge”, Philips Philicorda Organ, MicroKorg Synth, Roland Digital Drummer CR-1000, Percussion
FRED MERK Acoustic, Electric and Slide Guitars, Vocals, Ukulele, Pianetta, Glockenspiel, Harmonica, Flute, Percussion, Cassette Recorder, some Synths, Field Recordings and Sonic Treatments
ANDY ELLISON Pedal Steel Guitar on “Across The Rio Grande” and “Bury The Dead”
JEAN-SAMUEL RACINE Clarinet on “Baudelaire, Brussels, 1866” and “Still, The Waters”
Hemlock Smith is the project of singer/songwriter Michael Frei, who is currently living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Somewhere between rock, folk, pop and jazz, he tells some dark tales, but with the...