Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 31 März 2017
- Beschreibung
Félibres do sing ORA , "now" in dialect. A creation given rhythm by the seasons, where the fairies reveal by the brightness of their free look the history of the human life. A common culture, that of the mountain of their childhood within the world of today. That of the patois also. Imbued with their imagination.
Anchored in an alive cultural and linguistic heritage.
Carnaval - Mountain - People - Enjoying - Snow - Masks - Fairies - Kids - Streets of the village - Fear - Emotions - Joy - Playing - Running - Album Ora
- Erstellungsjahr 2016
- Regie (Video) Félibres
- 799 Plays
3 Frauen, 3 Schwestern, 3 Stimmen.
Eine gemeinsame Kultur innerhalb der gegenwärtigen Welt : die der Bergwelt ihrer Kindheit, die der Mundart, die ihre Muttersprache ist. Mit Aline Roy und ihrem...