It's Alright
181 plays —
, 2017
About the Track
- Added on 9 October 2017
- Description
Das Video zum aktuellen Album The Santa Fe Recordings. Americano, Singer-Songwriter. Video ist in und um die Kapelle von Ligerz aufgenommen worden ohne einen einzigen Schnitt.
- Album The Santa Fe Recordings
- Year of creation 2017
- Director LongDan Schaller
- 181 plays
Credits and thanks
LongDan Schaller, Dominik Peyer, Jim Palmer,Bill Palmer, Quanah Palmer, Eva Kummer & Kids, Kilian Bolle, Regina Trösch, Isabella Hadley, Anita Süsstrunk, Tinu Buchmüller, Buba Baumberger, Moritz und Kirchgemeinde Pilgerweg Bielersee, Frau Marianne Jenzer
Marc Rudin
Folk/Country, Folk
27 tracks
Marc Rudin – The Singer Songwriter
Marc Rudin is a thoughtful singer songwriter who warms hearts with his music and wins over audiences with his good natured, engaging performances.
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