About this Track
- Added on 16 October 2018
- Album Motions
- Year of creation 2018
- Label Flimmerplattern
- Director Matthias Kappeler (Hillton Zurich)
- 33538 plays
- 1 play yesterday
Mix - Roger Müller
Mastering - Dan Suter
Director: Matthias Kappeler
Director of Photography: Sven Probst
Production Company: Hillton
Producer: Gilles Germann
1st AC: Roland Ogg
Best Boy: Sandro Cattin, Tom Gibbons
Editor: Matthias Kappeler
Colorist: Mustafa Sert
Costume: Laura Beham
Set Design: Marlen Grassinger
Set Design Assistant: Max Wild
Starring: Johannes Hegemann, Antonia Meier, Joelle Laura Meier
Special thanks to:
FTK, Motor Productions, Tom Gibbons, KAUZ GmbH, Lukas Hess, Naum Hirsl, Florentin
Heuberger, Judith Probst, Nicole Försterl, Severin Bärenbold, Riccarda Neff,
Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Zürich - Rhy AG

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