Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 30 April 2019
- Beschreibung
Gina Été‘s first song Mauern recorded in San Francisco polarised Europe: Blogs and Radios from Portugal to France up until Czech Republic have discussed the impulsive song, its political statement and the impressive video turned at the boarders of Mexico.
Surprisingly, the withdrawn intimacy of Gina‘s second single Im Rhy hits even harder:
An unheard honesty about doubts, confusion and regret of the chosen path, carried by an unbelievably powerful surge of sound make the listener drift off to their own past.Just as unique as the song is the video clip: Barbara Steinitz (illustrator, Berlin) and Peter Bräunig (Blende39, Magdeburg) filmed a shadow play of paper puppets. A paper girl alone in a sinister, eerie city, standing on a bridge. She leans over the handrail to stare into the dark water, then climbs up and jumps - into the light and colorfoul memories of her own past. One believes to recognize Europes highest dome, as well as Basel‘s rocking ferry boats and fish formed swimming bags as autobiographic allusions to Ginas past?
Shortly after the release Été returns with her viola and mostly political songs in four languages to stages in Germany, Switzerland and France.The long awaited EP Oak Tree she will finally release in June on the Zurich based label Lauter.
Line up
Gina Été - vocals, viola, piano Jeremie Revel - vocals, e-guitar Phillip Klawitter - vocals, double bass Noé Franklé - drums, electronics - Erstellungsjahr 2019
- Label Lauter
- Regie (Video) Barbara Steinitz
- Tags pop, basel, schweizerdeutsch, videoclip, mundart, alternative
- 87 Plays
- 1 Play gestern
Director, silhouettes, lighting and puppetry: Barbara Steinitz http://www.barbara-steinitz.de
Camera and editing: Peter Bräunig https://www.blende39.de
Spotify: https://lnk.site/spotify/qH6YZ4ei
iTunes: https://lnk.site/itunes/qH6YaIqo
27.04.19 Bistro Tatie Hamburg - Duo mit Faira
04.05.19 Überhaupt Aachen - Duo mit Faira
05.05.19 Goldmund Köln - Solo
11.05.19 Europa‘Zik Strasbourg - Band
14.05.19 Heimathirsch Köln - Duo mit Faira
18.05.19 Lauter Festival Zürich -Band
01.06.19 (On demand) Basel - Duo mit Faira
09.06.19 Troubadix Brugg Solo
15.06.19 Int. Flüchtlingstag Basel - Band
18.07.19 Gurten Festival Bern - Band
Merci RFV Basel for supporting us on doing this video!
Merci FONDATION SUISA, ProHelvetia - Schweizer Kulturstiftung and SIS Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung for supporting us on the release tour!
All the future releases & concerts you will find here:

I am many faced and twisted
I am bold and scared
I am angry and understanding
And these few are just some of me
I am several people
I have several opinions
I've decided not to decide.